Over the past few months Dr. Stuart Frank of the New Bedford Whaling Museum has been doing an assessment of Mystic Seaport's scrimshaw collection. As one of the world's authorities on the subject, Dr. Frank is greatly respected for his knowledge and Mystic Seaport is happy to have his expertise put to good use here. One of the many pieces that Dr. Frank examined is a tooth from the so-called "Mechanic" scrimshaw artist. Unknown until identified by Dr. Frank and other members of his research team, the artist was identified in that manner because the scrimshaw in question came from an 1834-38 voyage of the ship MECHANIC of Newport, Rhode Island. Dr. Frank and his compatriots are confident that the artist is one Spencer Pratt of Bristol, Rhode Island who was the first mate on that particular voyage. A partial description of the accompanying piece from Dr. Frank's work states:
"..blindfolded figure of Justice standing, with left arm akimbo, the Scales of Justice suspended in her left hand, with her right arm outstretched, holding an upright sword. Above all of this is a circumferential band of stars, surmounted by a patriotic device of six flags lit by a radiant sun
or star." This is one of three teeth by Pratt in the collection at Mystic Seaport. Dr. Frank has similarly identified numerous other artists and subjects in the collection, information that will be gladly appended to our records.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
The CHARLES W. MORGAN in Miniature....
One of the newest additions to the Collections at Mystic
Seaport is an extraordinary model of the CHARLES W. MORGAN. This gift from a
long-time friend of the Museum was built by master model-maker Lloyd McCaffery.
Mr. McCaffery’s work in miniature is known worldwide for the incredible detail
that he displays in all his work. Not only are his models built entirely from
scratch, the tools that he uses to do his carving of figureheads, trail boards
and other decorative pieces are custom made by him also. For example, his tiny
scalpels are made using small wedges of razor blades.
This model of the MORGAN contains a number of figures in miniature that bring the model to life. Not visible in these pictures is the cutaway section of the interior. What is visible is the scale as compared to the quarter in the foreground. Look for this model on display sometime next year as the real CHARLES W. MORGAN makes its way back into the water following her complete restoration.